Physics A.S. (TTP)
Physics A.S. (TTP)
Physics is the study of matter, energy and the principles intertwining them. Students find physics to be fascinating, challenging, and continually changing due to cutting edge research discoveries. Students of physics require stamina and determination as well as intellectual vigor. Mathematics is the language of physics and many physics students are well served by choosing mathematics as a second area of concentration.
Graduates with a bachelor's degree and beyond in physics are well prepared for employment in many science-heavy enterprises such as TVA, NASA, NOAA, NCAR, biophysics, health physics, engineering and the armed forces. Graduates also find rewarding opportunities as science and research coordinators for businesses, secondary and post-secondary teachers in any physical science field, government scientist as well as scientific advisors to various levels of government, science advisors for media programs, and serving on the US military science team.
What is a TTP?
Tennessee Transfer Pathways are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university to complete their baccalaureate degree. The Tennessee Transfer Pathways also constitute an agreement between community colleges and universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements. A student who completes all the courses listed on a particular Transfer Pathway will earn an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree at Chattanooga State. When the student transfers to a Tennessee public university, the transcript will certify that the pathway has been followed. The student is guaranteed that all the community college courses taken will be accepted at the university and the courses will count toward completion of the particular major. If a community college student transfers to another Tennessee community college, he or she is guaranteed that all courses transfer.
Visit the Tennessee Transfer Pathways website to view the TTP Curriculum Details for this program.